
The Red Rock Public Library represents the unique beauty of Red Rock through its resources, services, and people.
The library is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming community hub where everyone can be inspired, engage, learn, and grow.

Monday-Friday 2-5pm & 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

These hours will be in place year-round
The Red Rock Public Library will be closed
Monday February 17th in observance of Family Day.
We will re-open Tuesday February 18th at 2pm.
Have a safe and fun long weekend!

Books, magazines & dvds (limit of 4)
Public computer usage/Wi-fi access
Photocopy/print and faxing service ($)
Vaccine records reduced to pocket size ($)

Returns can be made in lobby during library hours
or Municipal building lobby book return

Need a new library card?
Contact the library and we can set one up for you!

Upcoming Library Board Meetings:
Tuesday February 11th 5pm
Tuesday March 11th 5pm
Tuesday April 8th 5pm
Tuesday May 13th 5pm
Tuesday June 10th 5pm
Tuesday September 9th 5pm
Tuesday October 14th 5pm
Tuesday November 11th 5pm
Tuesday December 9th 5pm

New Arrivals!

New Programs!
Story Hour – The Snow Globe Family
Watercolour Class with Colleen Rose
Spanish Conversation Club
Virtual Author Presentation at the library
Advocacy North Webinars for Seniors
Blind Date with a Book
Book Bingo 2025
1,000 Books Before Age 6
Visit the Events & Programs page for details!

Click here to access our database of free virtual presentations
from bestselling authors and thought leaders:
Red Rock Library Virtual Author Presentations
Visit the Virtual Author Presentations page for more information!

The Red Rock Public Library has been working behind the scenes to create a Strategic Plan for the library going forward. The library’s strategic plan is a comprehensive roadmap outlining the library’s direction for the next several years. It serves as a high-level guiding document for decision-making, resource allocation, and program development, ensuring the library remains relevant, responsive, and sustainable in our community.

View our Red Rock Public Library 2024-2029 Strategic Plan & Valuing Ontario Public Libraries documents here:

Visit our OverDrive to Libby Transition page for instructions on how to start using Libby for your online e-book database!

Are you currently borrowing a short-term radon detector from the library?
Please take a few moments to fill out a Radon Detector Usage Survey from Health Canada by clicking on one of the following links:

EN: https://healthcanada.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80uIJ5PWWK44tbU?Q_Language=EN

FR: https://healthcanada.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80uIJ5PWWK44tbU?Q_Language=FR-CA