About us

It is the mission of the Red Rock Public Library to provide equitable access to information, library services, and other resources to all members of our community.

Who we are

CEO/Head Librarian: Nancy Carrier
Senior Assistant Librarian: Stephanie Kivilahti
Assistant Librarian: Mike Kirkby
Casual Assistant Librarian: June Redfern
Casual Assistant Librarian: Alejandra Interian Estrada

The Red Rock Public Library Board

Chair: Anne Lockwood
Vice-Chair: Cheryl Hendricken
Trustee: Denise Maidment
Trustee: Marilyn Young
Trustee: Joanne Boudreau
Council Rep: Mickel Smith

The Red Rock Public Library Board meets 10 times a year, on the second Tuesday of the month at 5 pm either in person or remotely.

Meetings are open to public attendance. If a member of the public wishes to attend please contact the Library at 807 886-2558 or email rrocklib@gmail.com.
If a member of the public wishes to discuss a topic or add to agenda please contact CEO, 2 days prior to meeting.

Meeting packages are available upon request.
Roberts rules of order are followed during meetings.

Friends of The Red Rock Public Library

An enthusiastic group of local citizens supports and promotes the Red Rock Public Library. For further information about the group, please contact a Friend!

President – Alejandra Interian Estrada
Vice President– Linda Stansell
Secretary – Mary Anne Baker
Treasurer – Debbie Kuruliak


Mail: Box 285, Red Rock, ON, P0T 2P0
Email: rrocklib@gmail.com
Phone/Fax: (807)-886-2558


Monday-Friday 2-5pm & 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday & Sunday – CLOSED

42 Salls St.
Red Rock, ON
P0T 2P0