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Virtual Author Presentation for Home Viewing

February 4 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Smithsonian curator Sabrina Sholts is joining us online to discuss the uncomfortable but all-too-timely message of The Human Disease: How We Create Pandemics, From Our Bodies to Our Beliefs, which travels through history and around the globe to examine how and why pandemics are an inescapable threat of our own making on Tuesday, February 4 at 2 PM via digital live-stream!

Tuesday. February 4th
Register for this event to watch for free from home! (This presentation will NOT be live-streamed at the library.)

Visit: https://libraryc.org/rrocklib/66534 to learn more about the author and their new book!

Registering to watch from home is simple!
1. Visit: https://libraryc.org/rrocklib/66534
2. Click Register
3. Enter your name and email address
4. You will receive an email with the subject line “You are Registered for the Author Talk”
5. Click the link in the email that says “Join Webinar” at the specified time!

Hot tip! If there is a presentation you would like to attend but cannot- you can still register for the event and submit your questions to the author to be answered during the presentation, and watch the pre-recorded session at a later time!

Register and view more Virtual Author Presentations here: https://libraryc.org/rrocklib

Questions about these presentations? Visit our FAQ page here: https://help.libraryc.org/patron-faq/frequently-asked-questions/

This program is proudly sponsored by The Friends of The Red Rock Public Library and S2 Cybersecurity Services.

#rrocklib #rrocklibresources #magical #overthinking #authortalk


February 4
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


The Red Rock Public Library